Home News Applications for the HELB Afya Elimu Fund (AEF) in the Future (2023–2024):...

Applications for the HELB Afya Elimu Fund (AEF) in the Future (2023–2024): How to Apply:


The start of the Afya Elimu Fund (AEF) ongoing loan applications for the academic year 2023–2024 has been announced with pleasure by the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).

The Afya Elimu Fund was established to assist financially struggling students pursuing medical education at middle-level medical training colleges (MTCs), both public and private.


This includes organizations like the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC), faith-based organizations (FBOs), and other institutions that give diplomas and certificates in medical fields.

Criteria for Qualification

Existing Afya Elimu Fund recipients who are enrolled in intermediate-level medical training colleges in Kenya and actively pursuing their studies are required to apply.

How to Use.

Download the HELB App from the Google Play Store, or use the USSD Code *624# to access it.

The Helb App has been updated, so make sure you have the most recent version.

Create a secure access PIN by registering with your phone number.

As applications linked to unregistered numbers will not move forward, ensure the registered phone number is in your name.

Read the licensing agreement, understand it, and sign it.

For registration to be successful, you must provide your first name exactly as it appears on your national ID card, your ID number, and a working email address.

Select the certificate or diploma option under the “loans” tab. For the AEF’s second and subsequent loans, click “apply”.

Learn about the process instruction and get involved with the financial literacy manual.

Enter your registered phone number and national ID number to confirm your identity.

Review and concur with the loan’s terms and conditions.

Before choosing your preferred method of loan repayment, answer a few questions about your financial literacy and view the results.

Following the “request loan” button, double-check your loan information.

For registration to be successful, you must provide your first name exactly as it appears on your national ID card, your ID number, and a working email address.

Select the certificate or diploma option under the “loans” tab. For the AEF’s second and subsequent loans, click “apply”.

Learn about the process instruction and get involved with the financial literacy manual.

Enter your registered phone number and national ID number to confirm your identity.

Review and concur with the loan’s terms and conditions.

Before choosing your preferred method of loan repayment, answer a few questions about your financial literacy and view the results.

Following the “request loan” button, double-check your loan information.

The application is finished by clicking “Submit.” Your successful application will be confirmed in a pop-up window along with the loan serial number.

Be prepared for additional notification regarding prizes, payments, and, if applicable, bursaries for student loans.

Contact HELB if you require any help.

Important things to remember.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2023.

There is no need for hardcopy applications because the application procedure is completely paperless. An SMS with the serial number of the loan application will be used as confirmation.

The loan application fee is not assessed by HELB. Extortion attempts should be reported to the appropriate authorities.

To learn more, go to www.helb.co.ke, USSD: *624#, Phone No: +254711052000 You can also visit Anniversary Towers, University Way, or send an Email contact at contactcentre@helb.co.ke Twitter: @HELBPAGE