After the M-Pesa Foundation spent Sh16 million to build a mother and child complex at Ratta Health Centre in Kisumu County, some 10,000 people are expected to benefit from a variety of health services in Seme.
A comfortable atmosphere for moms to give birth will be created through the Maternal, Child, and Neonatal complex’s construction and selective equipment, as well as by renovating the institution’s current labor room, delivery room, and post-natal room. This will allow the facility to better serve more women.
A wide range of essential services, including outpatient treatment, maternity care, all-inclusive clinic care, and laboratory services, will also be offered by the facility.
Anyang Nyong’o, the governor of Kisumu, stated that this will encourage young moms who still want to further their studies.
“Many teenage females who are mothers are dealing with challenging situations. Girls in Ratta can leave their kids and go to school because of this facility, according to Governor Nyong’o.
Prof. Nyong’o stated that the complex will boost the primary care network by acting as a center for several healthcare facilities in North Seme Ward in addition to offering essential services.
Senior Program Manager for the M-Pesa Foundation Henry Kilonzo stated that the investment will assist in the purchase of medical equipment that will ensure that each room is furnished to the highest standards as well as the planting of 100 tree seedlings to promote environmental preservation.